Welcome to the Shrewsbury Historical Society of Cuttingsville, Vermont.
Our town's covered bridge is now an official National Historical landmark. For more information go to address below and click on "Community".
Shrewsbury's Brown Bridge
The original Cuttingsville Church, as photographed below, is the site of the Shrewsbury Historical
Society Museum on Route 103 in Cuttingsville,Vermont, just southeast of Rutland. The museum is free and wheelchair accessible.
The collection includes 19th century photographs, books, diaries, furniture, costumes,
toys, as well as video and audio tapes of townspeople and special events,
and a current Shrewsbury historical scrapbook.
The Historical Society Museum is open on Sundays, 1-3 pm from July to the end of October.
Appointments to visit museum can be made by contacting Brian Winkler, at 802-492-3324. For genealogy help, email julanne@vermontel.net.
Membership Dues: The dues for Jan. through Dec. are as follows:
Individual $10, Family $15, Contributing $30, and Life Membership (individual/couple) $125.
Mail to: Treasurer Julanne Sharrow, 1368 Lincoln Hill Road, Shrewsbury, VT 05738
Shrewsbury Historical Society Museum
5419 Route 103 Cuttingsville, VT 05738
Shrewsbury History Book
"Shrewsbury, Vermont -- Our Town As It Was", authored by Dawn D. Hance, has 320-pages and is soft covered in bright red with gold lettering.
It covers history of early Shrewsbury with a cut-off date of 1910. The book is available at the Town Clerk's office during hours and at the Historical Society Museum on Sundays from 1 to 3 pm until the end of October. $25.
Add $9 if mailing is requested.
Shrewsbury’s 250th Anniversary Commemorative Envelope
This collectible envelope with a drawing by Grace Brigham and a special unique postmark, will be mailed inside a #10 business envelope for only $4 (includes postage).
John P. Bowman mausoleum and mansion
An article here from the booklet written by Honorary Trustee of the Historical Society, the late Marjorie A. Pierce in 1995 and from articles found in the May 20, 1882 and October 31, 1882 issues of the Rutland Daily Herald which were donated to the Shrewsbury Historical Society by member Morris G. Tucker.
The This Place in History video program explores historic sites throughout Vermont:
Pierce's store, interview with Sally Deinzer;
Maple Crest Farm, interview with Donna Smith;
Laurel Glen home of John P. Bowman, interview with Barry Griffith, all may be seen in three minute segments on:
Also, a 30 minute interview by New England Legends to the Shrewsbury Historical Society museum, John P. Bowman mansion and mausoleum in Cuttingsville. Interviews with Brian Winkler, Grace Brigham, Paul Stewart, Barry Griffith and Joe Citro can be viewed on:
We would love to acquire or have use of any old photos that you may have of Shrewsbury residents, buildings, etc. Photos will be returned promptly. If you prefer, please send me a 300dpi scan of the images via email. I will be adding many photos in the near future and will welcome any corrections or commentary.
webmaster@shs Or Ruth@shs |